Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Street Car Scenes 6-8

What is revealed about Blanche in these chapters? Do these revelations come as a shock?

Many things about Blanche's character is revealed in these chapters. Blanche may seem like a nice person from the outside but she hides alot of things that not everyone can tell by meeting her the first time. Blanche is in fact a very manipulative person and she has lied to many people in her life. One of these lies includes when she told her sister that she lost the estate because she couldn't make the payments because she was given time "for her nerves". She was actually shunned out of the whole Laurel social system because she slept with one of her students at school! Blanche also lied to one of her boyfriends stating that she had only been kissed by one boy and that she was still a virgin. This is crazy because Blanche wasn't a virgin at all!

This becomes a shock to everyone including Blanche because after a while everyone finds out that they have all been lied too and everyone starts hating Blanche and they don't really want to talk to her still!

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