Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Death of a Salesman #4

Was Ben a positive or negative influence on Willy? What does Linda think?

Ben was a very bad influence on Willy. Ben likes to brag about how he made his fortunes and his travels to Africa and across the world. When Willy listens to Ben about all this he believes him and also thinks that he could become wealthy if he did the same thing. Linda is the realistic one in all this and its good that she's there to check on Willy. Linda doesn't believe Ben's crazy stories about his past and wants to make sure that Willy doesn't either. She just wants Willy to stay safe. Willy needs to be kept under control and stay in reality and that's what Linda's here for.

If Linda wasn't here to help Willy maybe he would start trying to be like Ben again and start traveling. This may cause him to run into some trouble and Linda wants to make sure that that doesn't happen.

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