Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Street Car Scenes 4-5

Why does Blanche disapprove of Stanley?

Blanche disaproves of Stanley for many different reasons. The first main reason is that Stanley simply doesn't treat Blanche in the right way and in her mind he is a stone age person. Stanley also beat Blanche's sister which she didn't like at all. In Blanche's opinion Stanley is someone with no manners with an aggressive, mean and harsh personality that causes trouble more than anything. Blanche simply doesn't like him. He isn't a good person to be around with and he can't be trusted.

Besides all that there is also some kind of sexual tension between the two which excites Blanche but in a more negative way than anything. Stanley knows alot about Blanche that she doesn't want the rest of the world knowing and this makes her anxious. Overall Blanche believes that Stella shouldn't have chosen Stanley as a husband. He was definitely the wrong pick and not a good addition to the family.

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