Monday, March 9, 2009

Death of a Salesman Final Blog

Were Willy’s final actions noble, or were they a sign of weakness?

I believe that Willy's final actions weren't very noble. In my opinion Willy failed throughout the entire play and he didnt' learn anything. He wasted his life for no reason. Although he really wanted that insurance money ($20,000) and he wanted Biff to succeed in life that isn't his problem. If I were Willy I would've left Biff figure his life out by himself and give him the right tools to do so but I wouldn't kill myself for him to get money. I know Willy cared alot about Biff but his final actions weren't reasonable. Willy should've accepted Charlie's job and he could've made some money off of that to give to Biff. He didn't do this though because he didn't want to look weak and pride and reputation was everything to him.

To conclude I'd like to say that Willy killing himself was a sign of weakness because he had no other option to make things work. At least he died thinking that his family would be in better hands now and that Biff would make it in life. I'm not sure he still will though..

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