Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Street Car Scenes 1-3

Explain something a character does in Scene 2-3 that teaches us something new about them, something we didn’t know in Scene 1?

In scene one we were introduced to Stanley but we didn't know a whole much about him and his overall personality. In scenes 2-3 we find out that he beat his wife. Stanley always seemed like an aggressive person from the get go who wouldn't mind causing trouble but we would've never known that he would be violent enough and dare to beat his own wife down. In scene 1 we get a sense that he would be the type of person that wouldn't mind cheating on other women but not that he would beat them. In the first scene Stanley treats Blanche aggressively and yells at her but he never beats her. This shows a side of Stanley's character that isn't very positive. He seems to be a tough character.

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