Thursday, March 5, 2009

Death of a Salesman #5

Do you think Willy made the right decision to refuse Charlie’s help?

I believe that it was a very hard decision for Willy and at the end he decided to refuse Charlie's help for pride and to not seem inferior to him. I do think that although pride is important not having a job is pretty bad! Willy is in a tough situation at the moment and he had the opportunity to get a job that paid him $50 a week and he declined the offer. To me that was personally a bad decision. Charlie is one of his only good friends at the moment and probably the only one that would want to hire him. I don't understand why he couldn't overcome the pride and jealousy factor and just take the job! He could've used this money to help bring his life back together and use it for good things. I wonder how the end of the play will play out now with him not working. I highly doubt that he will get another offer like this one..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Elliot I really enjoyed your blog! I completely agree with your views on the issues. Willy should have taken the job from Charlie and overcome the issues of pride and jealousy. Plus 50 dollars a week is more than he would've made staying put with his old job. After all, thats all he asked for with Howard was $50 a week and a place to stay put.