Thursday, April 16, 2009

Bell Jar Chapter 3-4

How does Esther avoid Chemistry in college? Why might she find science so overwhelming?

Esther avoids Chemistry in college through a precise strategy that worked very well. The main reason she was able to not take Chemistry in college was by saying to the administration that she would rather take a literature course for the grade instead because she is more familiar with literature and also because it was her number major. It just made alot more sense for her to do this.

Esther also said that the reason why she wanted to take the grade was simply to get the facts down and know the information, it wasn't to get an A or B. The grades really aren't all that important to Esther. Esther finds science overwhelming because she doesn't like all the numbers and symbols that are involved. Although she did do Physics and she got an A in the class she just doesn't like it as much. She also believes that it is too much work and she would much rather stick to Literature, a class that she has a passion for and that she would connect with a lot better in college.

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