Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Bell Jar Ch. 9-10

How does Esther act when she returns to Boston? How might her night with Marco have influenced her actions?

Esther doesn't react very well when she returns to Boston and from there on things change and do go according to what she had in mind. The main thing that was somewhat weird was when she was returning to Boston driving home and she described everything as though she was in a jail cell. Then once that Esther finally reaches Boston her mom tells her some bad news which was that she didn't make the summer program that she enrolled in. That frustrated her very deeply and from then on she didn't know what to do with herself anymore. She felt somewhat hopeless and then she started making bad decisions like canceling her summer plans and some of her classes. Esther believes in her mind that she cannot do anything now and that she is starting to fail and this is holding her back from doing great things in life.

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