Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Bell Jar Ch. 15-16

Describe the new asylum Esther goes to? What might life have been like had she been forced to stay where she was?

Esther really likes the new asylum that she goes to. She thinks that it is alot better than where she used to stay. The new asylum gives Esther more freedom and she finally is able to enjoy life a bit more. In her older asylum Esther was always very stressed out and she doesn't feel the same way now anymore. In the new asylum Esther doesn't get those horrible shock treatments from Dr. Gordon. Another good thing about the new asylum is that it has more technology and it is more specialized to Esther's needs. If Esther was forced to stay where she was before her life would've permanently been different forever. Esther would've most likely had a mental breakdown and she probably would have ended up killing herself for sure. Dr. Gordon wasn't a very good doctor at all and she negatively impacted Esther. It is good that Esther is finally in a place where she feels safe and where she will be able to progress well on her treatment and recovery.

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