Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Bell Jar Ch. 13-14

What is wrong with Esther? Why does she try to kill herself?

The biggest problem with Esther is that she just wants to keep on trying to kill herself over and over again. She has tried many times although she never succeeds all the way. To her it seems like a game and she doesn't know if one day she will be able to completely kill herself. Esther has tried to kill herself in the ocean by drowning herself but it didn't work. Because of this she decided to try something different to kill herself. This method was to overdose on some pills. She takes all the pills that she has and she becomes completely unaware of her surroundings. Although this method was a lot closer for her to kill herself it still didn't work. For Esther it is a challenge for her to commit suicide and she is taking it very seriously.

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