Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Bell Jar Ch. 19-20

Why does Esther feel such a need to sleep with Irwin? Does she feel better or different after it has happened?

Ever since that Esther found out that Buddy had sex before she found a new desire to have sex as well as soon as possible with any man. Throughout the entire novel Esther talks to different men and many times she tries to have sex but she is denied. When Esther first meets Irwin she thinks that she will be able to sleep with him. He is an intelligent, handsome young man who would be the perfect fit for Esther. It turns out that she was able to have sex with Irwin after they do she doesn't feel as good as what she had hoped for. Esther ends up feeling physically hurt after that she looses her virginity. She's happy that she has finally had sex but that's about it. She later goes to the hospital and then calls Irwin and tells him that she will not see him again which I didn't find very nice.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Bell Jar Ch. 17-18

What does Esther mean when she says she feels trapped under a bell jar?

When Esther says that she feels trapped under a bell jar she basically means that she feels trapped from the real world. Her situation is a very delicate one and Esther thinks that whatever happens and wherever she goes it will not change. This is why she says that she feels trapped under a bell jar. Esther gets alot of attention from people and doctors and she feels trapped by everyone. She feels trapped from putting her life back on track. She is in a tough situation and she doesn't really know how to handle it. Although her recovery is slowly starting to get better she is unsure that one day she will be completely "normal" again. This is why she feels trapped under a bell jar.

The Bell Jar Ch. 15-16

Describe the new asylum Esther goes to? What might life have been like had she been forced to stay where she was?

Esther really likes the new asylum that she goes to. She thinks that it is alot better than where she used to stay. The new asylum gives Esther more freedom and she finally is able to enjoy life a bit more. In her older asylum Esther was always very stressed out and she doesn't feel the same way now anymore. In the new asylum Esther doesn't get those horrible shock treatments from Dr. Gordon. Another good thing about the new asylum is that it has more technology and it is more specialized to Esther's needs. If Esther was forced to stay where she was before her life would've permanently been different forever. Esther would've most likely had a mental breakdown and she probably would have ended up killing herself for sure. Dr. Gordon wasn't a very good doctor at all and she negatively impacted Esther. It is good that Esther is finally in a place where she feels safe and where she will be able to progress well on her treatment and recovery.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Bell Jar Ch. 13-14

What is wrong with Esther? Why does she try to kill herself?

The biggest problem with Esther is that she just wants to keep on trying to kill herself over and over again. She has tried many times although she never succeeds all the way. To her it seems like a game and she doesn't know if one day she will be able to completely kill herself. Esther has tried to kill herself in the ocean by drowning herself but it didn't work. Because of this she decided to try something different to kill herself. This method was to overdose on some pills. She takes all the pills that she has and she becomes completely unaware of her surroundings. Although this method was a lot closer for her to kill herself it still didn't work. For Esther it is a challenge for her to commit suicide and she is taking it very seriously.

The Bell Jar Ch. 11-12

Why doesn’t Esther like Dr. Gordon? Is he hurting or helping her?

Esther doesn't like Dr. Gordon for a number of reasons. The first main thing that she doesn't like about Dr. Gordon is that he tries to hard to show that he has a perfect family with a beautiful wife, kids and a nice dog. She also believes that Dr. Gordon is too attractive to even be a therapist. A therapist shouldn't show off all these things to his clients. Another thing that makes her not like Dr. Gordon is the fact that he cannot understand Esther's life and what exactly is going wrong with her. Dr. Gordon really isn't helping Esther the way that he should and this is making Esther mad. After doing a lot of evaluations Dr. Gordon finally says that Esther needs shock therapy and that he needs to go to his facility to do it. It seemed that the shock therapy did more harm to Esther than anything and at the end Dr. Gordon is hurting Esther more than anything.. It is a sad thing to see but I believe Dr. Gordon is just trying to make money off Esther and he doesn't understand her real problem.

The Bell Jar Ch. 9-10

How does Esther act when she returns to Boston? How might her night with Marco have influenced her actions?

Esther doesn't react very well when she returns to Boston and from there on things change and do go according to what she had in mind. The main thing that was somewhat weird was when she was returning to Boston driving home and she described everything as though she was in a jail cell. Then once that Esther finally reaches Boston her mom tells her some bad news which was that she didn't make the summer program that she enrolled in. That frustrated her very deeply and from then on she didn't know what to do with herself anymore. She felt somewhat hopeless and then she started making bad decisions like canceling her summer plans and some of her classes. Esther believes in her mind that she cannot do anything now and that she is starting to fail and this is holding her back from doing great things in life.

The Bell Jar Ch. 7-8

What does Esther want from Constantin? How does he react? What do you think of his reaction?

Esther doesn't like the fact that Buddy has been with so many women and that he has had a lot of sex. Esther wants to feel equal to Buddy and for her to do that she wants to have sex with someone. In this case she wants to do this with Constantin. When Esther first discretely mentions to Constantin that she wants to have a close relationship with him he isn't somewhat shocked and he reacts in a negative way. From Esthers point of view Constantin believes it isn't the best thing to do but culturally he feels different about it. At the end though Esther is disappointed of Constantin's final decision. She feels as if he is in some way letting her down and that no one wants to have sex with her. I think that his reaction is appropriate though because they aren't ahead enough in the relationship to do this. I feel like the main reason Esther wants to jump into this is because of Buddy..

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Bell Jar Chapters 5-6

What does Esther think of Buddy? What does she want from him? What does she want him to think of her?

Esther had mix feelings for Buddy. At first Esther loved Buddy and they had a good relationship together. Buddy in one way tricked Esther into liking him. At first Buddy thought that Esther was very hot and attractive. He often uses the word "sexy" to describe Esther. After a while though when Esther had a talk with Buddy she found out that Buddy had already had an affair before and that he had sex many times over the summer. Buddy didn't have real feelings for Esther but instead they were simply impulses that he couldn't stop. After that Esther found out that Buddy had his this affair with the waitress she lost alot of respect and love for him. In one way Esther wanted Buddy to be a virgin it annoyed her that he wasn't. In the end now they are talking less and have taken their distances.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Bell Jar Chapter 3-4

How does Esther avoid Chemistry in college? Why might she find science so overwhelming?

Esther avoids Chemistry in college through a precise strategy that worked very well. The main reason she was able to not take Chemistry in college was by saying to the administration that she would rather take a literature course for the grade instead because she is more familiar with literature and also because it was her number major. It just made alot more sense for her to do this.

Esther also said that the reason why she wanted to take the grade was simply to get the facts down and know the information, it wasn't to get an A or B. The grades really aren't all that important to Esther. Esther finds science overwhelming because she doesn't like all the numbers and symbols that are involved. Although she did do Physics and she got an A in the class she just doesn't like it as much. She also believes that it is too much work and she would much rather stick to Literature, a class that she has a passion for and that she would connect with a lot better in college.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Bell Jar: First line of novel

The first line of the novel starts out by saying it was the summer that, "they electrocuted the Rosenbergs". This first sentence gives a sense of where the novel will further lead us as well as what its setting is. This book took place in the middle of the 20th century. During this time the Rosenburgs, which were mentioned in the first sentence of the novel were killed (executed) because they were communist spies. The first sentence very closely relates to the first two chapters that we read. As she is in New York she just follows Doreen and she doesn't exactly know what to do.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Mona Lisa Smile Day #2

Comment on a decision made by a character that reflects or revokes a value from the 1950s.

Betty is a character that made a decision during the movie today that revokes a value form the typical 1950's. Betty gets married while attending school and that is something that most young women were looking forward to in the 1950's. Although Betty got married, it is kind of a "fake" marriage. Her husband doesn't seem very nice to Betty and involved in the whole situation and Betty is somewhat upset due to this. Betty is kind of known as the troublemaker/rebel in the movie and she wants to make an example of herself to the other students as well as Ms. Watson (in a mean way). Being the first character to get married in the movie it shows just how much she wanted this and it shows how young women thought in the 1950's.

Mona Lisa Smile Day #1

Comment on how the film is portraying the time period of the 1950s.

So far the film is portraying the 1950's because it represents the role of young women during that time. Most of the girls that go to Wellsey want to raise a family after that and marry their husband. The only reason that they are attending this prestigious school is because they want to have that special degree but it really doesn't matter to them. Most of the girls so far in Julia Robert's classroom are extremely smart and somewhat arrogant. They portray the way that most young women were in the 1950's. They went to a good college, were smart, got married and became housewives. This is basically how the 1950's were. Women went to college and then directly got married for the most part.