Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Why does Huck tear up the note to Miss Watson? What change does this mark within him?

There are two main reasons that Huck decides to tear up the note to Miss Watson. At first Huck wants to write the letter to Ms Watson because he is feeling bad and guilty about taking her slave Jim away from her and keeping him safe. In the letter Huck would explain everything to Ms Watson and if he had sent it on he wouldve gotten in big trouble by her and Ms Watson would not trust him anymore. Sending the letter to her could've also made Ms Watson want to sell Jim down river. The main reason that Huck tears up the note/letter to Ms Watson though is because in a way Huck has created a relationship with Jim and he would also feel guilty if he wrote all those things to Ms Watson. Not only would Huck get in trouble but so would Jim. At the end it just didn't seem like a good idea to Huck anymore. Tearing up the letter showed a side to Huck that has been developing throughout the novel. Huck is becoming more mature and he is understanding things better. He is understanding that choosing the easy to solving problems isn't always the best way in the end. This shows a side to Huck's character that is positive and continually growing.

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