Monday, November 17, 2008

Why does Huck want to help the men on the wreck? What does this show us about him?

Huck initially wants to get on the wrecked ship to see if he can find anything useful that would cost some money. Huck thinks that he could be rich by finding the captain's things around the ship. As he gets on the ship though he sees two men arguing and threatening each other. Huck now has two things to do as he wants to help the man that is being yelled at and he wants to find some belongings across the ship.

Huck then believes that stealing the ship would be the only way to get away from the murderers. Jim agrees on doing this but Huck later regrets this decision. After leaving with the ship he then decides to go back as he wants to watch out for the people on the ship. This shows that Huck does care for others and that he has a good heart. There is a man in danger on the ship that may get killed and Huck wants to help. Instead of getting the loot he thinks that helping this man is better.

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