Monday, May 18, 2009

II.xiii – II.xv

Why does Joe start tapping?

Because Joe has no arms or legs and he basically has no communication with people he wanted to find a way to try and express his thoughts to others. When Joe is in the hospital in his bed he has visitors come down and see him every once in a while and he wants to be able to talk to them. In this chapter Joe has a special visitor that comes down and sees him. This person is his general that came down to the hospital to give Joe his award. When he was there Joe wanted to be able to communicate with him and therefore he tried tapping on his bed. No one understood what he was trying to do including the nurses who thought that he was getting mad. The nurses therefore gave Joe a sedative to make him cool off. All that Joe was trying to do was communicate and the nurses didn't understand. This was probably very frustrating for Joe who is trying so hard but he is in such a bad physical shape that he can barely do anything right.

1 comment:

Scottie Boi said...

nice blog homeskillet
I think you hit the makor points but you should have talked about how Joe was mad at the generals who were giving him medals becasue they never fought in war and weren't injured. You also didn;t talk about how the nurse masturbated him which was kind of a key point in a way. but nice job my man