Tuesday, August 25, 2009

John Henry Blog

In John Henry's song it tells us a story about a young black boy. This boy was obsessed with steal driving and he wanted to be the best steel driving man ever and thats all that he thought about. This young boy wanted to do this as a career and until the day he dies. John Henry here is showing us how determined and motivated this boy was and that he had set himself a goal for his life. This ballad influenced songs like "NY State of Mind" and "The Message"because both of these rappers also had a goal in their life and a "message". They both had hard lives when they were young and they had to face difficult challenges and be determined just like the young black boy in John Henry's song to succeed in life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


There are good thoughts, but this blog is about half the length it needs to be. You need to develop the connections a bit more. It's not as simple as they both had a hard life.