Thursday, August 28, 2008

Chapter 9 Blog Bachelart

I was kind of surprised at who attended Gatsby's funeral and who didn't. I believe it was extremely rude that Tom and Daisy didn't show up at his funeral. Daisy should've at least done or said something. The only people that came to the funeral where Nick, some of Gatsby's old servants, Owl Eyes, Henry C. Gatzy and of course Gatsby's father. None of the people that Gatsby really cared for came though. This is very sad for Gatsby in my opinion. It shows a complete lack of respect towards him. I do believe though that maybe these people that didn't come didn't because they got tired of Gatsby. They got tired of his lies, of him always showing his wealth and of him manipulating people to get the things that he wants (what he did with Nick at times). What is meant to show us here is that no one cared much about Gatsby at the end of the novel and his death wasn't very important to many. Although you can say it in this way you can also say that it was rude on the others part to have not showed up. Even if Gatsby wasn't the best person in the world he still cared for others to some extent and he should've been rewarded with more people attending his funeral.


Kyle said...

I liked your post, I thought that it was very true, and honestly i forgot about Daisy and that she didnt attend, good thing that you caught that. Because yes, it was very disrespectful on Daisy's part to not attend her "lovers" funeral.

keaton said...

i completely agree with you Elliot. I was completely fabbergasted that no one cam to the funeral of someone who seemed to be so liked in his time. He had huge parties and it seemed to me lke some of the people from their would have come to his funeral, but only the few came.