Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Chapter 7-8 Blog Bachelart

These two chapters were definitely full of important events. It's funny because I kind of saw this coming. As Gatsby and Daisy's love grew stronger so did Tom's anger and jealousy. In my opinion there is no way that they could've gotten back together. I also believe that after Gatsby's past mysterious life was revealed it heated up some trouble to come in his direction. At one point the story couldn't continue on like this. There's no way that Gatsby and Daisy could've married each other and that Gatsby's "shady" past could've been unavoided. Even though Gatsby got close to doing this it was only a dream to be realized as he was shot by Wilson while floating in his pool at the end of Chapter 8. I believe that there were hints a bit everywhere that led to this conclusion. I think the main one was when Nick revealed Gatsby's real past to the others. That only threw negative impressions at Gatsby and it made him look bad.

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