Monday, August 25, 2008

Chapter 6 Blog Bachelart

I believe that Gatsby made up a lie about his heritage and his childhood this whole time to hide his real identity from others. Gatsby is someone who wants everyone to know that he is a rich, powerful and smart businessman but that isn't quite the case. Gatsby was basically a nobody during his early childhood making barely any money and spending his summer fishing and looking for clams. He was lucky to have been picked up by Dan Cody. Nick only tells us the truth about Gatsby now because I think he wanted the people to know the truth about Gatsby. Maybe Nick didn't know the whole truth at the beginning of the book and now that he is starting to realize these things about Gatsby he doesn’t trust him anymore. Telling the truth about him could've reassured Nick.


Bsneed23 said...

I agree with you on how Gatsby wants everyone to know that he is rich. He also IS lucky to have Dan Cody come about, because who knows where he would have been without him. You said that "maybe Nick didn't know the whole true at that the beginning of the book" but however Nick is telling the story after all this had already happen. Overall, good blog you had a lot of strong points.

Anonymous said...

Overall, a strong blog, but remember that part of what Nick is doing is getting us to experience Gatsby the way he did. That's part of the reason he withholds information until now. 1.5