Thursday, February 18, 2010


Comment on Wiglaf’s character throughout the end of the book. Is he honorable or heroic like Beowulf or does he display an additional set of values?

In the end of the book Wiglaf truly displays his heroic values. Beowulf had a task to defeat the dragon and when no one else could help him Wiglaf was there. Wiglaf put his life at risk to help Beowulf kill the dragon by blocking the dragon's fire with his shield. WIthout Wiglaf it is very possible that Beowulf wouldn't have made it on his own. Something that is very important to note is that Wiglaf sees things differently than Beowulf. Wiglaf isn't interested in having all this fame and glory and being the best hero out there like Beowulf. I believe that Wiglaf is a true hero (and more of a hero than Beowulf) because he fights for others because its the right thing to do and he wants to help. Beowulf is much more in it to be in the spotlight i think. When Wiglaf jumped in to help Beowulf with the dragon one of his main concerns was making sure that Beowulf was okay and that together they could kill the dragon. Wiglaf could've simply let Beowulf down and have killed the dragon himself and gotten all the fame but that isn't his main concern. A true hero is someone that puts others in front of himself and that doesn't necessarily care if not everyone will remember him. Beowulf wants everyone to remember him after he dies and popularity is important to him.

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