Sunday, February 28, 2010

Luke Skywalker/Beowulf

Compare Luke Skywalker to Beowulf. What makes them different? Do they share any traits in common? How are they both heroic?

Luke Skywalker is much younger than Beowulf and in the Star Wars movie we watched he isn't even a complete hero quite yet. He achieved heroic acts by defeating the death star for example but he isn't very well known yet. Beowulf has been around for a longer time and he considers himself a real hero from the beginning when he arrives to Hereot. Beowulf's reputation and title is very important to him and he likes doing what he does because he is a bit arrogant. Beowulf likes being a reputable hero where as Luke Skywalker is much more in it for the passion and to learn how to become a jedi. That is one of the main things that makes them different. They do share several traits in common because both are heroic in their own way, even though they share different paths. Beowulf is heroic because he defeats Grendel and he is very well recognized. Luke Skywalker is heroic because he is brave and he wants to go on these dangerous journeys and help make a difference. Luke Skywalker defeats the death star in the movie we watch and he saves the "rebel base" station. This makes him earn a gold medal and the respect of thousands of people.

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