Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Their Eyes are Watching God Chapters 13-15

When they arrive in the Everglades, Janie is quick to work beside Tea Cake on the muck. How does this compare to the way she worked with Logan and Jody?

At first when Janie and Tea Cake settle in the Everglades Janie mostly stays at home. Janie prepares food, takes care of the house and hunts for Tea Cake. After a while though Tea Cake asks Janie to come out with him and get a job mucking. Tea Cake had been coming home for no reasons during the day while Janie was there and at the end all he wanted was to be with her more. Working together would make things a lot better for the both of them. This was something that Janie never experienced as she had been used to living at high standards in the white house married to a wealthy man. The reason that Janie accepted the job though was because she had never been asked to do something to spend more time with a person that liked her and cared for her. Logan and Jody weren't that way. They forced her to work and weren't always nice to Janie. Tea Cake actually asked Janie if she wanted to work and he let her choose the decision.


Scottie Boi said...

Eliott Bachelart, very nice blog. I enjoyed reading your blog and i agree with you on how Janie was always held up to high standards and that Tea Cake wants to spend more time with her because thats what i said in my blog. Keep it up buddy.

Anonymous said...

Good Job on your blog! I agree that Janie had different experiences with Tea Cake than with Jody and Logan and that she was much happier with Tea Cake. Janie probably wouldn't have gone to work with Tea Cake on the muck if he had forced her, like Jody and Logan, into it and if he only wanted her to go because he needed her to put in some work. Instead Tea Cake said that he missed her and that he wanted to spend more time with her. He allowed Janie to choose what she wanted to do and she had a choice. Janie felt like she was treated more like a real person than just a stereotypical house wife and female.