Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Death of a Salesman #2

What do you make of Willy and Charley’s relationship?

Willy and Charley don't have a very good relationship overall. They both want to be the best they can and have a good reputation. In one way there is a sense of competition between the two. Charley has a son, Bernard, and Willy has two sons, Biff and Happy. Bernard is known as the smart "nerd" kind of person whereas Biff and Happy are "cooler" than Bernard and although Biff is a lazy bum and Happy is a smart person that has succeeded in his life.

Willy and Charley are neighbors and Charley is the owner of his business. Willy is a poser and a cocky person and I feel that he is jealous of Charley. There is some kind of tension between the two and I don't know if it will ever stop. Willy is known for getting into arguments and causing heat so unless he cools down things will most likely stay the same throughout the play.

1 comment:

olivia said...

good job explaining what happened. you gave a good background on charley and i agree with you about how the tension between willy and charley most likely won't end. nicely done :)