Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Death of a Salesman #2

What do you make of Willy and Charley’s relationship?

Willy and Charley don't have a very good relationship overall. They both want to be the best they can and have a good reputation. In one way there is a sense of competition between the two. Charley has a son, Bernard, and Willy has two sons, Biff and Happy. Bernard is known as the smart "nerd" kind of person whereas Biff and Happy are "cooler" than Bernard and although Biff is a lazy bum and Happy is a smart person that has succeeded in his life.

Willy and Charley are neighbors and Charley is the owner of his business. Willy is a poser and a cocky person and I feel that he is jealous of Charley. There is some kind of tension between the two and I don't know if it will ever stop. Willy is known for getting into arguments and causing heat so unless he cools down things will most likely stay the same throughout the play.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Death of a Salesman #1

What do you make of Biff and Happy? Are they reliable characters? Are they happy?

Biff and Happy aren't very reliable characters. It is difficult to understand what they really are happy about. They are unsure about their dreams while they both which that they lived each others lives. Although they are happy to be themselves they are both looking for something different, something that they find in each other that they individually don't have at the moment.

In some ways they also quite negative and criticize themselves. Biff isn't very proud of his relationships and hates himself for trying to hard to make a relationship work. Overall I don't think that they are very happy and they don't lead balanced lives. They live in a bad home and it seems like their lives isn't easy overall. I believe that Biff and Happy are smart characters though and they will eventually fall back on track.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Their Eyes are Watching God Chapter 19

Through out the entire book, Janie is quick to talk; however, she says almost nothing during the trial. Why?

It turned out that Tea Cake made a stupid decision to stay home with Janie as the storm slapped him in the face. After that he was bitten by the dog (which he killed with a knife) while trying to save Janie he became very sick. Even though he was sick Tea Cake was also forced to help bury many of the dead people from the the storm/hurricane that hit.

Feeling kind of down and not in the best shape lately Tea Cake becomes kind of crazy and accuses Janie of sneaking out at night to see Mrs. Turner's relatives. Later, after a big fight that they have between one another Tea Cake decides to sleep with a gun under his pillow! This in some way worried Janie and made her somewhat scared so she also decided to get a hold of a gun (rifle) to make sure that if anything got out of hand she had protection. It turns out that this was a good idea for Janie as Tea Cake shot his gun twice after they had gotten into another fight and before that Tea Cake could pull the trigger a third time Janie shot him dead to the ground to defend herself.

During the trial (which she was put on for the murder of Tea Cake) Janie decided to remain very quiet and not give away much information/evidence. Although he was dead now she still had feelings and respect for him and she always will. Life without Tea Cake wouldn't be life at all. Staying quiet seemed to be the best way to handle the situation in Janie's mind.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Their Eyes are Watching God (Chapters 16-18)

Chapter 18 contains the line the title comes from – “their eyes were watching God.” Explain what the line means in the context it appears.

In this chapter a huge storm is coming and a hurricane is expected to hit where Tea Cake and Janie are. Out of the people living there most of them thought that the storm would simply pass right through and not even hit them. Unfortunately Tea Cake also believed this and therefore decided to stay nice and warm at home with Janie.

Even the co workers who work at the muck who were in Tea Cakes backyard while the storm was coming decided to leave because the weather already seemed so bad. They left and went back home right away but that wasn't enough to convince Tea Cake that he should also prepare himself for this storm.

That evening Janie and Tea Cake have a conversation talking about God and everything that has been happening in the story so far that was due to God. As the storm made its way over to them Janie said the phrase "it's like their eyes are watching God" because they are waiting for one of gods strikes to come through. Since Tea Cake was so stubborn though and he could no longer leave his home he had to wait and sit it through with Janie hoping nothing bad would happen them.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Their Eyes are Watching God Chapters 13-15

When they arrive in the Everglades, Janie is quick to work beside Tea Cake on the muck. How does this compare to the way she worked with Logan and Jody?

At first when Janie and Tea Cake settle in the Everglades Janie mostly stays at home. Janie prepares food, takes care of the house and hunts for Tea Cake. After a while though Tea Cake asks Janie to come out with him and get a job mucking. Tea Cake had been coming home for no reasons during the day while Janie was there and at the end all he wanted was to be with her more. Working together would make things a lot better for the both of them. This was something that Janie never experienced as she had been used to living at high standards in the white house married to a wealthy man. The reason that Janie accepted the job though was because she had never been asked to do something to spend more time with a person that liked her and cared for her. Logan and Jody weren't that way. They forced her to work and weren't always nice to Janie. Tea Cake actually asked Janie if she wanted to work and he let her choose the decision.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Chapter 6

Why does Janie care about the mule so much?

At the beginning of chapter 6 its talks about a mule. Matt Bonner is the owner of that mule and it isn't being treated very well overall. The mule isn't fed and therefore extremely skinny and Janie feels sorry for it because she knows what its like to be mistreated and abused. This makes her care about the mule and thats why she likes it so much. Mr. Bonner doesn't do anything to keep the mule living properly and Jody doesn't treat Janie how she should be treated; there is a relationship here.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Jody in Eatonville

Jody’s true personality is revealed in Eatonville. Explain why he is allowed to act the way he acts.

Before that Jody was in Eatonville he would treat Janie very well and he was nice to her. They had a close relationship and Janie was happy to be with Jody. However once that Jody settled in Eatonville his personality changed alot and things weren't the same between him and Janie. Jody has an authority presence that makes others listen to him and respect him that at first attracted Janie towards him. Once that Jody was in a small town like Eatonville though he wanted to be known as "the big man on campus" and he put Janie on the side and thought for himself first.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Ch. 3-4 in Their Eyes Were Watching God

The last paragraph of this chapter uses nature imagery and the narrator describes it as "They sat on the boarding house porch and saw the sun plunge into the same crack in the earth from which the night emerged."

In this last paragraph Janie and Joe are watching the sunset together. The quoted sentence above means that everything in nature ends and starts in the same place (sunset) and that night and day also end and start in the same place. This sentence in one way represents a new beginning for Janie as the sun going down represents her past and the night starting metaphorically represents a new life for her. It both describes nature and her life.