Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Why do the apprentices dislike Eustace so much? Would you want to work for him?

It was said that about 90% of all the apprentices that worked for Eustace left him before their two "learning" years were up. Overall, the apprentices completely disliked Eustace. They even thought that Eustace treated them as slaves at times. They were very upset on that.

Most of the apprentices that came to Turtle Island didn't have much knowledge on how to live and interact in nature. Some of them had never even been hunting! To Eustace's standards the apprentices couldn't learn fast enough and do what he wanted them to. This eventually led to overall frustration for the apprentices and their respect towards Eustace started diminishing.

I would definitely not want to work for Eustace. First off I am not a nature freak and I wouldn't like his harsh and strict attitude. Eustace wouldn't exactly be the funniest person to be around with and working for him would be depressing. I wouldn't mind eventually coming to visit Turtle Island to see how it is and learn more about Eustace but that would be it.

1 comment:

olivia said...

i couldn't agree with you more on why you wouldn't want to work for Eustace. you said exactly what i was trying to say in mine. you are very detailed in how he treats his employees as well. good job :)