Sunday, September 28, 2008

What is Linda’s experience of the North? Is it what she had hoped for? Think particularly about the train ride.

Linda has heard many positive things about the North. Linda believed that going to the North would allow her to take a better care of her children. She also believed that the quality of life would be much nicer overall. It turns out that for Linda, the North was more than what she expected.

After being stowed away on a boat Mr. Durham tells Linda that they will be taking a train to New York. Linda was extremely happy to be riding in that train with white people around her for once that weren't harming her. After that Mr. Durham told Linda that he couldn't get a hold of first class tickets Linda didn't care at all. For someone that had nothing her entire life being able to travel, to be free and to be surrounded by whites is an extraordinary achievement for Linda. She is now in the North and that is amazing for her. She is a lot happier than before. The South was just horrible for her and for Linda the North is a new life for her.


Anonymous said...

I agree with you that Linda liked the north much more than the south, but there were still some discrimination and everything wasn't as good as Linda had expected. On the train ride, she was sitting by people of color. They were staring at her because she was darker than them even though they were people of color just like Linda.

Anonymous said...

Liu is correct - you miss the negative experiences. 1 pt.