Monday, September 15, 2008

React to the picture of slavery that Jacobs describes. What makes it powerful? How does she present a broad view while still giving us her individu

The first four chapters of this novel talk about a slave named Linda. Linda though, was no ordinary slave, as she was extremely well treated by her master. Linda was treated as a normal human being as a matter of fact. Linda was actually very happy to serve for her master as they had a close and strong relationship between one another. Sadly for Linda everything changed in her life when her master died. Linda was then sold to another master where she unfortunately didn't quite receive the same luxury that she was given with her previous master. In many ways what makes Jacobs writing powerful when describing the picture of slavery is when he explains the horrible things that Linda's new master makes her do. One of these horrible things for example, that Linda's master makes her do is walk bear foot in the snow when she's just bought a new pair of shoes!

Linda is the one who is telling the story therefore putting the reader straight into her mind and emotions throughout the novel. She does a very good job in explaining her life as a slave and how she has to face difficult situations. She also well explains other actions happening in the novel.

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