Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Underground Man

Who is the ‘underground man’? What are your first impressions of him?

The "underground man" is somewhat quite a strange character. He is probably in his thirties or forties This man used to work in the army and he was an officer. He isn't a very nice person overall and he treated other members in the army without much respect. The "underground man" currently has a liver disease and life doesn't seem too good for him. He is an arrogant and hard person to be around as he thinks he's the best. He does have a good education on the other hand and he has taught himself not to be superstitious.

He has some nice qualities but in general he remains a stubborn and relatively depressing person. He has been sick for 20 years and still he refuses to go see a doctor which is absurd. The "underground man" made it clear that he didn't want to live past 40 as he knows that he is very sick and that his chances of living long aren't high. If he went to the doctor and got help though that may change but he simply doesn't want to. He respects doctors and the work that they do but he isn't interested in medicine as he doesn't like them. There is still much to discover about "the underground man" and what will happen to him in the future. I wonder now if he will end up seeing a doctor or if he will remain stubborn and silly. His personality also isn't very appealing to most people.

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