Thursday, November 19, 2009

Americans vs Jews

This movie that we are watching at the moment is very interesting. The whole incident that happened between the Jew and the little black boy is very unfortunate. I believe that it was the Jewish persons fault because he was the one that went through the stop light and that hit the boy. Once the ambulances came the Jew was able to leave right away and the little black boy didn't have much assistance. People were yelling in the street saying how it was unfair and that the black boy should've been helped immediately. I completely agree with this and I am with the Americans (blacks) on this whole situation. I understand why there was a huge riot because many people wanted to prove a point about this. It wasn't just a simple accident, it involved much more. The Jewish person had more money and was regarded as higher than the black boy and he therefore got the advantage when the ambulance came. Overall I am for the African Americans and it was good that they rioted. Although many people were arrested and people died at least they were able to show what they were fighting for. The movie that we have been watching at the moment is great because we are able to really understand how certain people talk and react to certain subjects such as racism and discrimination.

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