Monday, March 8, 2010

Iago's plan

Iago is deeply in love with Desdemona. He is upset that she is marrying Othello, a black man who is a fighter. Iago and Roderigo are good friends and Iago hates Othello for making Cassio lieutenant over himself. Iago wants Roderigo’s help to make Barbantuo, the father of Desdemona aware that his daughter has married a black man named Othello. Once Barbantuo realizes that Othello is with his daughter he is unhappy, because Othello is a black man and he doesn’t like him very much. Desdemona though talks to her dad and tells him that she is in love with Othello and that she should have the opportunity to be with him. Barbantuo isn't very pleased with the whole situation but he still accepts what has happened. This makes Iago quite frustrated as he thought that Barbantuo would get very angry and make Desdemona break away from Othello.